Galactic Pirates

Galactic Pirates

Galactic pirates stride across the plain,
while flying microraptors circle high,
and light from Jupiter begins to wane.
The Earth glows litmus blue against the sky,
in silent gaze as if it were an eye.
Before the men, the arched stone palace stands,
left crumbling on the burning Martian sands.

Their search has brought their ship to land on Mars,
to where an ancient portal might still be;
an entry way to reach to the furthest stars,
traversing through the universal sea,
and in this place, they seek to find the key;
a clue to where the portal could be found,
within a cave or deep inside the ground.

They cross the plain and find a silver pool,
reflecting worlds beyond their mortal reach.
Before them lies the portal, smooth and cool,
inviting them to leap across the breach.
A bold decision is required of each,
as all of them go through the cosmic door,
to reach a world where none have gone before.

© Lisa-Jane La Grange