Finding Happiness in Life

Finding Happiness

Finding happiness in life appears to be an objective that most people share. However, as many have discovered, it is not as easy as it seems.

Happiness can remain elusive, even when we try as hard as we can to discover where it is and how to reach it.  Many of us would agree that there is no easy formula for finding happiness. Although this is true, there are some practical things we could do that would probably increase our sense of wellbeing. I am hoping to talk further about that in the Blog

When finding happiness in life is our main objective, it often seems to remain just beyond our reach. Even when we devote our best efforts to uncovering where it is, we may find that we achieve the opposite result.

It has been suggested that happiness is merely an added benefit of living in a way that adds value and meaning to our own lives while contributing to the wellbeing of others.

Despite my failings, I have concluded that the searching for happiness should not be my central focus. I have tried to concentrate my efforts on achieving something worthwhile instead.

I have also tried to ensure that all my decisions are guided by Biblical principals. It would obviously be an additional advantage if finding happiness turns out to be the eventual outcome of my actions. If not, I would at least know that I tried to make the best choices in the given circumstances.

In the last few years, I have been particularly inspired by the words in Psalm 34.

“Do you want long life and happiness? Then keep from speaking evil and from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good” Psalm 34:12-14

Pursuing good instead of evil will undoubtedly eliminate a lot of unnecessary stress from everyday life and provide a viable chance of finding happiness.